Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Fix for Copy & Paste Issues between Apple Devices

 Yes I know this has nothing to do with my Photography

Unless I am trying to post a photo within this blog from my Mac

But it has been a problem, with those using Apple devices, for a while now and I wanted to offer an article I ran across to help those with this issue. Once I got used to the ability to copy from one device to another, Apple device, iPhone to Mac, Mac to iPhone, or iPad it was really annoying when this stopped working. 

And once I found this article, I only used the first 6 steps before trying, and it solved the problem. I can now again C&P back and forth as it was meant to use right out of the box. So you might try just resetting the Clipboard, and if that is not the fix then start at the top and work your way through the steps until it is working again. 

The article I consider to be a very well written set of instructions at least for me. And I have posted this article to the Apple Community, in hopes it will help anyone else experiencing these issues

Here is the article How to Fix Universal Clipboard not working between iPhone, iPad, Mac

.....and here's my Photography website if you have a little extra time to view or view this print 

Comment on this issue, has it helped? 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

My Method for a Merry Christmas

My Method for Having a Merry Christmas

Over all the years of my life, I have enjoyed this Holiday season. I have family near me, we aren't scattered around the country, or the world as many others are. We keep in touch in every way available, phone calls mostly, but in person and texting and emails too. We are a close-knit bunch. So perhaps it's easier for those of us who share this situation to maintain a warmth inside for our family and ourselves. And on years that may have taken me to my knees, I always found a way to enjoy it regardless, because of something my Grandfather told me while we were out fishing. 

We had walked in to one of his favorite fishing holes. I was perhaps 9 or 10, and hadn't yet been able to bring a fish in, while he had moved downstream just a bit. I could see him hooking up and reeling in a fish, or releasing one. Then he brought in another, while I was struggling to keep one on my line. The fish were there, I just wasn't skilled enough to do the job. And I started feeling a little low. I kept at it though, and when he walked back upstream to me with two nice size fish, I was just about as cheerful as a moss covered rock in deep shade. 

He picked up on it pretty quickly. Laid a hand on my shoulder and said, "You know, sometimes when we don't get what we want, we lose our happy face". You should know he raised 8 kids. He paused I remember, and then he said, "Don't expect to catch a fish every time you go out. It'll happen when you least expect it."

As the years went by and life brought to me a few more of these sad experiences, I was always able to bring his words back to me, though at times it came back a little slower than other times, but it did reappear eventually. And that taught me a lifelong lesson.

I've heard his supportive comment in many different ways as I traversed through life. But it comes down to this for me.

Don't have expectations when life is out of your own control 

I can't imagine what some of us, who don't have family close by or aren't always available via devices of communication, when we seem to need it most, but if you can remember my Grandpa's words, it might help you to realize that in time, when you least expect it, a cheerful and a merry Christmas may be there when its time is right, maybe not for you or me, or on Christmas Day, but when it chooses to happen. 

"Don't expect to catch a fish every time you go out. It'll happen when you least expect it."

Merry Christmas

Friday, November 3, 2023

You Won't find any AI works done here


                       is experiencing a moment, and it deserves to

However you won't see it on my website art pages, because all of my works, prints, shower curtains, coffee mugs, yoga mats and the like are all created by me. From the thought of a natural scene or subject I want to locate to the final image the massaging is all done at my hands and my creativity. 

Yet I have to give thanks for some of my creative images, to the software of both Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo, as without the benefits of the tools within each editor, I would not have been able to make the photographic results in any other fashion as a photographer of digital cameras and lenses. But these have never been referred to as Artificial Intelligence.

Is that an argument for discussion? Or is it my creative bent to achieve the finished image for printing using my mind as the teacher in this final image? I suppose one could argue both sides and end with a handshake. But I like to believe without my mind it would not have ended in its version without my mental input. 

Here is an example

Breathing....Waiting....Rock Face Photograph by Rich Collins

You can see it better by linking through, but you can also see that from the opening shot all that is in this image is a stream and a rock wall. However you can't miss the face in the rock which all I really did was to add circular shapes and color them red with a set of slitted cat,  alligator, or snake eyes. In this case I have created a rock creature and done nothing else that fitted a rock face where I spotted a rock face. The creative element in this was not AI, but a photo editing software which was guided only by myself, not an element of Artificial Intelligence. Thus I have titled it "Breathing..Waiting..Rock..Face".

A little spooky and yes I'm a little late for Halloween but it makes my point. Ai is not necessary for the fun I had in creating this from my right brain lobe.

Care to engage in a conversation about the use off AI in art? Comment below or comment on my website.



Monday, October 23, 2023

My website is run by and you can feel safe when shopping


You should feel safe shopping at my website. 

Latourelle Falls 10a Photograph by Rich Collins


We've shipped millions of museum-quality products to buyers all over the world. Each product is hand-crafted by our team of expert craftsmen and delivered to your doorstep with a 30-day money-back guaranteed.


Hundreds of thousands of independent artists from all over the world use Pixels to sell wall art, home decor, apparel, and more.   Every order pays an artist!


We launched our business way back in 2006 and have spent the past decade-and-a-half building the world's largest online art marketplace.   We're still independently owned by our Founder / CEO to this day!


Pixels is home to hundreds of iconic global brands. Our technology powers the e-commerce sales for Sports Illustrated, Vanity Fair, Vogue, GQ, National Geographic, Major League Baseball, and many more.


We have 16 manufacturing centers located in five different countries running 24/7. Your order will be manufactured at the location nearest to you in order to minimize delivery times and shipping costs.


We're an independent company supporting hundreds of thousands of independent artists. We're independent... together.   Thank you for shopping Pixels and supporting the visual arts!

When you link to my website  you can feel safe knowing that Pixels is there to take care of you and your desires and needs when it comes to hangin wall art, from the print itself to the paper you choose, the matte, the frame and whatever you wish to have printed be it on Premium paper, wood or metal, to a shower curtain or a yoga mat or a beach towel. Whether you want the print on your bed or your couch or a coffee mug, or apparel, phone cases, tapestries, tote bags, zip pouches, t-shirts, puzzles, canvas prints, you have a lot of choices depending on the art you choose to purchase


Welcome to Pixels!   Since it's your first time shopping with us, here are a few, fun facts to give you some peace-of-mind regarding your first purchase:



We're the largest online art site in the world - yes, really!   We process thousands of orders per day, 

for buyers just like you.



If you have any questions about your order, you can call us any time at 877-807-5901.   We're 

available 24 hours per day / 7 days per week.   Give it a try!   Call the number right now, and a friendly 

customer service representative will pick up in less than 15 seconds.



If you're not happy with your order, for any reason, you can return it to us within 30 days for a refund 

If you're not happy with a purchase that you made on, for any reason, you can return it to us within 30 days of the order date.   As soon as it arrives, we'll issue a full refund for the entire purchase price.   Please note - Pixels does not reimburse the outgoing or return shipping charges unless the return is due to a defect in quality.



Our buyers love to write reviews once they receive their orders.   



100,000+ Facebook fans can't be wrong!

This is why I sell my art at Pixels

so......this is your chance   to see my work right now

Next Post You won't find any Ai works done here 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Art for Art's sake? Art for a Purpose? What do you choose when buying your Photo Prints?


Is this art for art's sake? Or is it art for a purpose? How do you know? 

What about this one? 

How do you select new art for your walls? 

A medical clinic, almost always buys art for a purpose. Patients coming to see their specialist about concerns that are almost always disturbing, and the medical team, be it mental health or physical health, wants their patients to remain as calm as possible. So one can say that in medical waiting rooms, as well as diagnosis and treatment rooms, art is purchased for a purpose. The rubric here is all about the patient's state of mind.

The prints above may or may not work for your given purpose. They only serve as examples of this discussion. Art for art's sake, or art for a purpose though is why you can feel there are choices at my pixels site.

How does one outside of a medical or even business conference room, make a decision, the reason for a collection of art prints on their walls? And how do you choose between the two?

Unless one is selecting photography prints for their entire home or office all at once,  we choose differing themes for each room, and in some larger rooms, for different locations, different effects. In one room buyers of art, may decide on a theme, such as modernism or traditional photography, or purely art for art's sake, in whatever strikes our fancy when searching. Or we may create a thematic scene full of nature or farm animals and farming in general for a given room. I'm sure we have all seen a kitchen with thematic pieces of wall art from an era of city life, country life, or many other settings imaginable. 

The choice between the two then becomes a fanciful one. A choice as fun in placement, as much as the dichotomy of the two choices. When you're ready to make the decision, I hope you'll give my site a visit 

Next Post  My website is run by and you can feel safe when shopping

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

iPhone 15 Pro Case of Your Choosing

 What better than an iPhone 15 Pro Case with an image you identify with.....

 There are tons of cases out there, but only this one, has the image presented here. So don't live with a plain old colored one or the typical black. Live it up with a iPhone case that creates your legend. Take this one example and if it isn't quite right, tap on the link "to your 15 Pro Case" to find one that is ....

You'll be able to choose a slim or tough case, adjust the image size on the case, and learn about me at the bottom. Let me know what you think either here or on my website 

Next Post  Art for Art's Sake? Art for a Purpose? What do you choose when buying your Photo Prints?

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Revealing my Intent: "Image 5 "Red Rain on Fire"


Red Rain on Fire

Some shoots include a well framed, photo with immense bokeh and an anticipation of interesting subject matter. In this case it was a Maple tree caught off center, with rain pelting the tree from an angle that to me screamed "Ah, but there's more to this image than just rain on a tree. The potential tugged at me until I decided there was work to do.

I had to decide if I wanted to simply fill out the shot with increased saturation and contrast or to make this as memorial as a cartoon cover on a comic magazine. I vacillated between the two for more than just a few days. I set it aside. I re-opened it. I kept screening it from different perspectives. How would I want this to look hung in a relative's home of a family member's home? Just punching up sounded good, but I couldn't help wondering just how much pop I could get into it. And this went on, while I was shooting other subjects, working on other images, and after several weeks, I made my decision.

The majority of us, when we hang our family and friend's photos, just want that face or that group warmth to remember. But when it comes to adding an explosive element in their living room, or their dining or bedrooms, they want POP!!! And from then on my scheduled work was invented. This was going to be a print that commanded attention, not just appreciation. Nothing else in the room would take away its power of color and action from the image.

Once I began, nothing else got in the way. Exacting details were left in the dust for that almost Andy Warhol flair and flexibility. It took on an energy that rebounded every time I added another feature. This was New York Flame, Los Angeles Punch, Parisian Fireworks, all in one. I spent an inordinate amount of time testing and rejecting changes over the better part of 2 weeks, on and off as I took breaks for freshness of mind and creativity. Over and over I'd add a layer, regenerate the image only to delete and start over. 

This was going to be the Gallery-in-the-home Print. And when I finally took the last step in sharpening and pushing its limits to the extreme, I saved the image and put it away for another few days. Then when I came back to it, I knew it was exactly what I wanted from the beginning. Absolute control of the room it would hang in.

My hope is that you find this the perfect print to add to your home or office. Here is where to find it and purchase it as a print, with or without matte and frame: Red Rain on Fire

Next Post iPhone 15 Pro case of your choice


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Revealing my Intent: Image 4 "Sky on Fire"

Sky on Fire

As I was driving on an early afternoon in the Fall season, I noticed a thundercloud in the distance. It was astonishing how low it was and how powerful it looked. I pulled over into a small parking lot to set up the tripod and mount the Canon dslr with a 70-200mm F2.8L lens and took a few shots just in case it were to disappear quickly as it was moving along. But to my surprise it started bunching up and then the sun broke to reveal these powerful clouds as if they were 50 feet away. It was quite stunning, but I knew if I just kept shooting I might have the opportunity to do some editing at my Mac desktop.

While I liked the image I began working on the exposure and the shadows, contrast, and saturation along with sharpening after all the other tasks were completed. this one took less time than I thought it might, finishing it in a single session. But I had recently began using Affinity and opened the file again the next day. After an hour the results were beyond my wildest expectations. What caused me to be really pleased with Photoshop, found more pleased with Affinity. And here I am not comparing one photo editor with another, but the ease of use with Affinity allowed me to carry one finishing with the final image file being one of the very best 'even better than Mother Nature" images I've worked on to dat.

I can tell you that once I had edited this image and thought all was done, I could have easily closed it and moved onto to another, since it took so little time create. But after reopening it, I found a new level of energy and interest that propelled me to get the best I could out of that shot alongside the road. And not once since then have I seen such a cloud formation, and I travel that little backroad often. In fact this being Fall again I will continue to revisit that area, hoping for another rare opportunity. 

That's the great thing about photography, and here I am speaking of a DSLR camera rather than a phone camera. The images that phones are producing are just as beautiful, when viewed on the phones screen, or a tablet/iPad, or desktop. The limitation is in achieving an image size large enough to produce a large print to fit on your wall, that prints the size you want, with the clarity that a DSLR and a quality lens will. Thus the reason I keep shooting with a camera for prints.

I hope I've given you some insight into what it is that inspires me to move from what Mother Nature allows, to what taking that image file and giving us, me and you, what we didn't get before editing. The results are sometimes astounding and powerful. I hope you take the time to jump to my link below or comment here on this post.

My website

Next in this Series Red Rain on Fire


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Revealing my Intent: Image 3 "Light from Beneath"


This image was taken mid-day. I had driven to up the Washougal river to Dougan Falls, as I have many times over the years. This particular time was after a freshet in the morning, and following a strong rain the day before. I was hoping that extra water force would give me what I was looking for, and it did. A very strong current over the falls and into the pool beneath. Yet it was missing essential light. Not just good light, but that early bright cast or golden afternoon light. I knew I had work to do.

The color of the water, is almost always a deep green, what is referred to as Steelhead Green, a local term among those who fish for steelhead, a member of the trout family. But that wasn't giving me the tones I wanted. I was looking for something spectacular, something that would stand out above all other art in the room, something one would find difficult to look away from once hung on the wall. It wasn't going to be just another waterfall print.

I took hours over a few days attempting to develop a finish that brought me that special look. I used my favorite Photoshop tools but I wasn't getting where I wanted, until I decided to go dark. And dark wasn't all it took. As I continued I had to add that special light I was looking for. And even then after adding back the light, I continued until it hit me. It wasn't the simple light it needed, I needed light from beneath the surface of the water in the pool, at the bottom of the waterfall. Once I mastered that, I began working on the coloring. It took perhaps 25-30 attempts to get it exactly how I wanted it. Then I sat on it for a few days. I needed fresh eyes. 

When I came back a week later, I knew I had created a winner. And to this day, it is  one of my favorites that I continue to re-hang on the living room wall, after a seasonal change out of prints.

You can see this at My Photography Website 

Next in this Series Sky on Fire

Comment below

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Revealing my Intent: Image 2 ":Locomotive Engine 4449"


I had the intent to shoot a 70mph steam locomotive going through the area one morning. I arrived early and set up my camera and 70-200mm lens so I could capture enough light for fast shutter speed as it approached from a distance away, and to keep shooting as it very quickly flew by. These shots were strictly images, no video. The entire outing took just under an hour, while the entire shoot took less than 6 seconds. I had everything exactly as I wanted it. But.......

......what I discovered as I read the screen and viewed the result, were that the light while bright was a hazy bright and undersaturated the colors that I wanted to display in a printed image, while over saturating the whites to a point of blown out highlights. Now my work was cut out for me.

I worked on these images for a few days, then after not being able to achieve what I wanted, I decided I should try massaging the colors tones. This was a multi-step exercise and took a bunch of tries to end up with exactly what I wanted. In fact I liked it even better than just a straight out of the box standard photograph. After sepia-toning the ground and tracks, I added highlight and exposure to bribing to life the surrounding landscape, and moved on to the locomotive itself. The locomotive engine, not the entire boxcars following it, had to remain the focus and as I sampled many sets of adjustments, I finalized the colors with stainless, orange, black and blue as a reflective of the sky just above, even though the rest was cloudy bright.

Forcing the steam from the locomotive stack to take on a darker, moody appearance allowing for the engine to stand out above all else. This particular locomotive engine has been captured thousands of time, but I have not to date, been able to find it so creatively altered as to become a really special print for both those who are train enthusiasts, but for that special wall that screams our for something really dramatic and powerful.

The work it takes to get a ordinary photograph to this stage was for me, quite an effort, and I hope I have described it well enough for you to appreciate the effort.

Next in this Series Light from Beneath

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Revealing my Intent: Image 1 "Looking Down from St Helens"


As I stood looking across from the Johnston Ridge Johnston Ridge Observatory, more commonly known as the Mt St Helens Visitor Center,  the mountain itself, appeared while magnificent, not so spectacular. Rather ordinary to me. No smoke was emanating from its dome, no great lighting showing off early morning clouds. Nothing to remember other than the rock face itself. I didn't want such a dull print on my wall, and I didn't want to offer for sale such a dull print. So after walking around the viewing landscape I took several shots anyway, thinking I could take this back to my desktop to look it over more carefully. After an hour or so looking over the images, I decided I wanted to bring this image to life.

I wanted to remember it as a much more spectacular scene. Something with the colors that would inspire me to return to Mt St Helens and shoot more images as time allowed. And so the creativity took hold. I wanted color, so much color that it would be a standout print. I punched up the exposure, increased saturation and contrast, and in the end, I was able to mix it all together as if I were looking at the age of the mountain from the Mesozoic Era, some 252 million to 66 million years ago. As such it took on a completely new and customized look, as if I were in that time traveled feeling. No longer in the present, but back when dinosaurs roamed. When I finished I knew then I had accomplished a view of Mt St Helens that I had not seen before nor might I be able to duplicate it quite as ancient again. 

I hope this has revealed to you the breadth and creativity, and the time I spent in bringing this view to those looking for a very special print of this beloved mountain.

How to get there

Next in this Series Locomotive Engine 4449

Thursday, September 14, 2023

A New Series, Revealing my Intent, explained

 Why I've decided to explain my intent on each print, added to this new series

To be blunt, I have a history of intensive shooting for future creative results. What does that mean to you? My point in shooting a subject is to end with an image that is how I wanted the original image to end up, how much better I feel when my work is done, post editing. Most all images I shoot, are fairly ordinary, not referring to the subject, but considering the best light, shading, contrast, B&W or color, and other important factors. 

I gain, in most cases, an image for printing that is far better than the original shot.

This is done through editing with software only when the set up, that is, waiting for the right light, taking care to achieve the very best focus, finding a subject that is purposefully sought for intentional re-editing and so on,  is not immediately available to me. So the prints my customers receive, have a lot more work than can be imagined upon first glance, until they have an appreciation of that extra work. 

And so it takes a keen eye to really get my intent in many of my prints. The alternative is to simply accept the effect it gives one, from the first glance and not concern themselves with the work and the impact or the extra work involved. Both perceptions are perfectly acceptable. But as a photographic artist, I get more in return when I hear back about how this affected their appreciation as they share it with others.

I'll post my first image, print in this series soon. Leave a comment if you like, about a print subject you might be looking for, interested in, or have in mind for your consideration and if I have something that fits your purpose, I'll be sure to add something of that genre.

Let's take this journey together

First in this series Looking Down from St Helens

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Heads Up......on the Apple USB-C Power Adapter


this is a different post for me as a photographer,

but if you're planning on buying the new iPhone 15 from Apple's lineup, remember you'll need to purchase the Apple 20W USB-C Power Adapter separately

The 'Head's Up' warning is not about the cost, as they are not expensive. It will be the availability. And the new iPhones are not coming with this charger in the box. So the warning is to buy it at the same time you purchase their iPhones, not later. Reports claim Apple is ordering 70 million 20W USB-C Power Adapters, and that may not be enough.

Once the iPhones are available, these power adapters may be gone very quickly

When you get there, after the iPhone 15's roll out in a week, scroll down to the Compatability list to be sure this is the same charger that is currently working with the past iPhones. Currently the iPhone 15's are not on that list, and it is probably because the new iPhones are not yet up for sale.

If you'd like to thank me for this Head's Up, take a stroll into my Photo Prints site and thanks for reading. I hope this helps and thanks for reading

Tabernacle Print by Rich Collins

Monday, September 4, 2023

Picking out the Best Room for the Next Wall Print


Elephant Seal ......

belongs in what room in your home or office? This is certainly of the class of humor, not sentimental or stunning. So which room would you choose?

Baby Raccoons ......

belongs in another room altogether. It is cute, cuddly and emotional, so what room now?

Shepherd's Dell Falls ......

Also belongs in a different room, but you will do the picking, not anyone else, so where? 

These examples are merely fodder for what you will be going through once you arrive at your destination, my photography website

Choosing the prints is only part of the exercise. Choosing the room, then the wall, tenth frame or matte are other considerations. You are just beginning your stroll, your hike, your trail to your goal of finding and placing your new wall art where it properly belongs. Wishing you the best of journeys.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Your Home or Office? My Photographic Prints

 You tell me... what will entice you to purchase my Prints It's your turn........

Quite honestly we all struggle to finalize a long-lasting purchase such as wall art. 

Even when I look over my own art, I have to take seriously the hanging on any of my walls since it will be there on some of my prints, for a few years. So I understand the permanence of such a purchase. But the only way you can start the journey is to visit my photo print site  to find out what you will be considering.

You'll be choosing from animal prints, landscape subjects, flowers, and so on

Here's just one to entice you to begin

Grand in Selective Color Photograph by Rich Collins

It's not as hard as you might think, but you will have to pay close attention to your space to place it in. Best of luck.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Take a Look at These Photography Prints and Try not to buy them

 If you find it easy not to select and order one of these, I'll eat my hat,                   (er, well maybe not since my hat is made of an undesirable material)

Auguest 2023

Mossy Forest Grove Print by Rich Collins

Red Rain On Fire Print by Rich Collins

Spent Canadian Thistle Print by Rich Collins

Wild Mushrooms On A Log Print by Rich Collins

Outer Limits Lupine Print by Rich Collins

Just a few of what you'll find by tapping on the link above to my website. The challenge has been laid out for you. Your mission if you choose to accept it, is ready for you. 

Now get a move on, or comment below to explain to me and all of my readers why you have woosed out

Monday, August 28, 2023

September Marks the Cusp of Holiday Planning

 September Begins the Holiday Planning Curve in Earnest

For many of us we begin to look all the way to Christmas. In fact while shopping at Costco yesterday, I spotted the first Christmas tree of the season. Just a tip toe into it Costco has begun the retail test of the shopper toward the Holiday shopping mood. So I thought perhaps I'd better ratchet it up a notch and begin the planning of updating our homes for company on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

When we think about it, some of us will focus on the food exclusively, but for many of us, its time to update our homes interior and the art we choose to display, in thinking of our Holiday company, and ourselves. It is perhaps overdue when thinking about out the main rooms in our homes; our family room, our living room, our kitchen and dining rooms and yes our bathrooms. These are the most visited rooms and are usually in dire need of refreshing our wall art.

If you haven't been including art along with how often you've painted, it might be a good time now to begin the process of art updating. Beginning now, only means visit my website to see what you are comfortable with for your main rooms. 

How to Start

Planning ahead is the beginning of the process. Once at my art site, you can spend some time simply bouncing about or carefully considering the subjects of your needs. This can brighten up a place to its fullest potential. While keeping the same pieces we've had for years can leave a tried look to our homes, and the same is true for our offices. The recommendation is to replace half of our wall art, every 3-5 years. Some of us do this even more often. One of my clients says she seasonally changes out all of her art, and every 1-2 years replaces all but her most favorite pieces.. And on her favorite pieces, she merely replaces the frames.

While that seems a bit excessive to most of us, it suits her fine. And as a photographer selling my photography, who am I to disagree with her desires. If it works, it works. I have the advantage of so much art in my art room, that I can change out, or replace pieces as I choose. And I do so often, especially, beginning at this time of year. 

I urge you to begin the wall art search at my site, Rich Collins Wall Art 

Make this year your Season of Change

Palouse Falls

Palouse Falls

And remember if it strikes you while visiting, there are so many other prints and products for each of my works to choose from. Enjoy your visit and thank yourself for taking the first step in modernizing and updating your home

Dealing with 2025's Economy and Your Fine Art Needs

Thinking about Cutting Back in 2025?   Of course you are, who isn't? Worried about what the tariffs are and inflation doing to your doll...