
Showing posts from January, 2012

Getting the Details

 Getting the Details in the Shot If you're new here, click to subscribe to the latest post. A shoot entails capturing images that either you want or your client wants. In this case I was asked by the owner of the horse team to capture his draft horse in as many facial expressions as I could muster. Most every shot was a typical closed-mouth plodding kind of boring shot. I walked back and forth waiting for a shot of the horse to give me something but after twenty minutes of walking through freshly plowed fields, my legs were weary, as the soft overturned earth was difficult walking through. My feet would sink in several inches and it was tiring lifting them back out of the earth only to sink in again while trying to keep up with this magnificent animal who took it in stride. What my client needed escaped me and because the horse was working I didn't feel comfortable prodding or verbally encouraging him for a shot I couldn't seem to capture. At one point he rolled