Thursday, September 28, 2023

Revealing my Intent: "Image 5 "Red Rain on Fire"


Red Rain on Fire

Some shoots include a well framed, photo with immense bokeh and an anticipation of interesting subject matter. In this case it was a Maple tree caught off center, with rain pelting the tree from an angle that to me screamed "Ah, but there's more to this image than just rain on a tree. The potential tugged at me until I decided there was work to do.

I had to decide if I wanted to simply fill out the shot with increased saturation and contrast or to make this as memorial as a cartoon cover on a comic magazine. I vacillated between the two for more than just a few days. I set it aside. I re-opened it. I kept screening it from different perspectives. How would I want this to look hung in a relative's home of a family member's home? Just punching up sounded good, but I couldn't help wondering just how much pop I could get into it. And this went on, while I was shooting other subjects, working on other images, and after several weeks, I made my decision.

The majority of us, when we hang our family and friend's photos, just want that face or that group warmth to remember. But when it comes to adding an explosive element in their living room, or their dining or bedrooms, they want POP!!! And from then on my scheduled work was invented. This was going to be a print that commanded attention, not just appreciation. Nothing else in the room would take away its power of color and action from the image.

Once I began, nothing else got in the way. Exacting details were left in the dust for that almost Andy Warhol flair and flexibility. It took on an energy that rebounded every time I added another feature. This was New York Flame, Los Angeles Punch, Parisian Fireworks, all in one. I spent an inordinate amount of time testing and rejecting changes over the better part of 2 weeks, on and off as I took breaks for freshness of mind and creativity. Over and over I'd add a layer, regenerate the image only to delete and start over. 

This was going to be the Gallery-in-the-home Print. And when I finally took the last step in sharpening and pushing its limits to the extreme, I saved the image and put it away for another few days. Then when I came back to it, I knew it was exactly what I wanted from the beginning. Absolute control of the room it would hang in.

My hope is that you find this the perfect print to add to your home or office. Here is where to find it and purchase it as a print, with or without matte and frame: Red Rain on Fire

Next Post iPhone 15 Pro case of your choice


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