
Showing posts from January, 2018

Is a New Year Meant to be a Happy New Year?

Not Always, why?    If you are concentrating on your self improvement and doing well, then by all means let's celebrate with happiness. But if not, what then? I would hope we would begin to focus on fixing that. But until we right that ship, we are partly happy, we are working on re-aligning our focus. That's moving toward happiness, which is where so many of us are, right? I hope so. I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't quite reached perfection yet. Even so, wishing everyone you know a Happy New Year is such a strong tradition that we continue to echo it among all our loved ones and friends, and many others we meet. And through that tradition our purpose is two-fold, in wishing others we offer encouragement for a happy year ahead, and we are offering ourselves the same freedom to achieve. So what gets in the way of thinking ahead to a Happy New Year? This is an endless list if we focus on the daily news. Hard to believe that too many of u