Targeted Adjustments in Photoshop by Tim Grey

I guess you could say I am promoting a Webinar I just viewed, but other than sharing it with you my only compensation is knowing you'll learn about using tools for Target Adjustments using Photoshop. While I don't believe the webinar is available, you can head to the website to sign up for individual classes at affordable prices.

The webinar was given by Tim Grey, who knows as much or more than anyone I know about using Lightroom and Photoshop. The tips presented were clear and well presented. Of course I always like to have a written tutorial but if you are familiar with using Photoshop, you shouldn't have any trouble. I couldn't pause the webinar but you'll be able to pause or stop and review his videos. Here is his website for reviewing his courses and the cost of each. Trust that you will find more than a few to learn techniques and tips that even if you already know Photoshop will add advanced tips to quicken your workflow.

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