Monday, December 21, 2015

In search of Winter Solstice 2015

For a slit second this evening, December 21, 2015, at 8:48 pm Pacific, Winter Solstice will arrive and be gone about as long as it takes to shoot this picture in bright light. Then its gone. Luckily the event triggers a daily increase in light every day throughout the Winter. The short days begin to recede as Winter approaches Spring. 

Here's your chance to get a shot of this long-awaited day every year about this time. Your option is to hope for enough light from the moon, which will be a full moon on December 25, 2015. Best of luck and remember to use a remote setting and a locked open shutter so as not to cause camera shake.

Then in the comments below include your Instagram or Flickr links to your pics. 


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