Merry Christmas to all my readers. I want thank everyone for reading all of my posts over the years. I wish you all the very best of this Holiday and of course a very happy and successful New Year.

Now about all that is left is the wrapping of the presents, yes I usually wait until the last possible second to get the gifts under the tree.

Peace and Tranquility and don't forget to shoot more pics. Maybe even with a DSLR for a change. That's what I use 90% of the time. How about you?


To those who are wondering, when I took this photo, there was so little snow on the mountain, that I pulled back both Recover and Fill Light to 0, pulled back the Blacks, pushed the Brightness and the Contrast very high, and reduced Clarity and Saturation to -100 in order to achieve at least a semblance of a glow for an added snow feel. Then before saving I used Bicubic hich gave me a softer appearance when reducing severely.


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