Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy Photography New Year

Happy Photography New Year


 Still wondering what your New Year is going to bring you? 


I wonder at this time of year more than any other time if I've done enough to prepare for a prosperous and happy coming year. Most of the time I still have plenty left to do. I have to believe this is true for most all of you too. But at least we are thinking about it. And that's a great step in the right direction. We won't accomplish much without planning, and that's where I'm at right now. Can I do more, should I have done more to prepare? I suppose so. My plan was and is, to get outside more instead of this or that, and get more shots to work with and then sell. Thus I'm calling this blog post Happy Photography New Year.

I find that I've been restricted somewhat in being able to accomplish much shooting lately, and the reason hasn't gone away. Still that's my goal. Goals are good, accomplishing them is even better. Let's see how I do. 

What about yours?  


Can you realize what it is you are hoping to accomplish? Or are you facing the same dilemma I am? The only advice I have for you is what you and I already know; keep planning, keep thinking about it, stay the course. We get frustrated when we look back about a month from now and realize we haven't made much if any progress, but that's not the best way to review it. I've found that by realizing it isn't a failure, its an opportunity to take a second shot at it, and renew the plan. Got any ideas for sharing how you are going to get it done? We'd love to hear them. In the meantime, grab your camera. And Happy Photography New Year.

Leave comments below and thanks for reading









Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas to all my readers. I want thank everyone for reading all of my posts over the years. I wish you all the very best of this Holiday and of course a very happy and successful New Year.

Now about all that is left is the wrapping of the presents, yes I usually wait until the last possible second to get the gifts under the tree.

Peace and Tranquility and don't forget to shoot more pics. Maybe even with a DSLR for a change. That's what I use 90% of the time. How about you?


To those who are wondering, when I took this photo, there was so little snow on the mountain, that I pulled back both Recover and Fill Light to 0, pulled back the Blacks, pushed the Brightness and the Contrast very high, and reduced Clarity and Saturation to -100 in order to achieve at least a semblance of a glow for an added snow feel. Then before saving I used Bicubic hich gave me a softer appearance when reducing severely.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happy Festivus and Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus

Is it acceptable to wish my readers, or the public at large, just these two wishes? Or should one look up every religion's every country's customs to wish them a good season at or near this time of year? I guess one could make an argument either way. But it is enough for me, the sole writer at my own blog, to wish people the customary and religious tradition I grew up with. And in doing so you as the reader, can accept or reject, or emotionally supplant your own customary tradition as you read my Headline. 

So accept my best of intentions and enjoy this holiday with your closest of friends and relatives. Be happy even in the midst of occasional differences of opinion or any other matters of worry or inflicted emotional pain. This holiday is expected to place a warm, glowing attitude within all of us. Turn on the Christmas music, deck your halls and other rooms, doorways and windows and trees and welcome in the joy. 

One other thing; don't let all of this joy and merriment leave you lacking capturing photos for the future and the present. And be sure you share them online, over your cell phone or in print. 


Is it acceptable to wish my readers, or the public at large, just these two wishes? Or should one look up every religion's every country's customs to wish them a good season at or near this time of year? What else could I have wished?

Comment below and thanks for viewing my blog

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Targeted Adjustments in Photoshop by Tim Grey

I guess you could say I am promoting a Webinar I just viewed, but other than sharing it with you my only compensation is knowing you'll learn about using tools for Target Adjustments using Photoshop. While I don't believe the webinar is available, you can head to the website to sign up for individual classes at affordable prices.

The webinar was given by Tim Grey, who knows as much or more than anyone I know about using Lightroom and Photoshop. The tips presented were clear and well presented. Of course I always like to have a written tutorial but if you are familiar with using Photoshop, you shouldn't have any trouble. I couldn't pause the webinar but you'll be able to pause or stop and review his videos. Here is his website for reviewing his courses and the cost of each. Trust that you will find more than a few to learn techniques and tips that even if you already know Photoshop will add advanced tips to quicken your workflow.

Comments below and thanks for visiting

Monday, December 21, 2015

In search of Winter Solstice 2015

For a slit second this evening, December 21, 2015, at 8:48 pm Pacific, Winter Solstice will arrive and be gone about as long as it takes to shoot this picture in bright light. Then its gone. Luckily the event triggers a daily increase in light every day throughout the Winter. The short days begin to recede as Winter approaches Spring. 

Here's your chance to get a shot of this long-awaited day every year about this time. Your option is to hope for enough light from the moon, which will be a full moon on December 25, 2015. Best of luck and remember to use a remote setting and a locked open shutter so as not to cause camera shake.

Then in the comments below include your Instagram or Flickr links to your pics. 


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