Saturday, January 21, 2023

Does Quiet Quitting Lead to Active Shopping for Art?

Is This a Phenomenon in the Art World too? 

There has been a lot written about quiet quitting over the past 2+ years. The outcomes of which are varied. Some have been, while not quitting their jobs entirely, lowering their hours for frustration at work, while looking for another job. Others have found that this belongs to their mental health situation, gaining a peaceful day away from a stressful career or job. But far and away it appears to belong to the higher educated white collar employees. And most of those claim to wish to spend time with their families. Quiet quitting then is not truly quitting, in every case. And if that last claim is true, then those who take a day for family enrichment, have that extra time to begin thinking about what their home environment looks like and how it affects them and their family together as a whole.

And so I posit that one result of this phenom, has quite possibly led to more home remodeling, redecorating, repainting and updating of art within their homes and even perhaps their offices. 

It would be interesting to hear from those of you who have gone through this quiet quitting, to see how you feel and if this has led to my suggestion. 

Art, as we know it is bought for many reasons, including a state of peace, and mental health, while on the opposite extreme for exuberance and energy. It is also bought for investments, though that would be a much smaller set of individuals. Those shoppers are not my market, as a photographer. So I'll leave my website address for those falling into the category at hand, quiet quitting leads to Active Shopping


Than ks for reading


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