Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why Do You Do Photography?

Why Do We Do Our Photography?

Ever wondered what it is about your photography that keeps you going? For some of us it is the ability to sell it online or in galleries, at local shops, at events, doing wedding shoots or sports, portraits, on greeting cards, mouse pads, or coffee mugs. For some of us it is just about the social interaction on sites where feedback or tagging is as much a function of the photograph as is the actual picture taken. And finally for some of us it is about gifting to friends and family. But there is a higher reason for some of us, it is quite literally a reach into our souls for a profound effect on our spirit.

We Simply Love what we capture 

 Our photography ends up somewhere, and some of it we delete, some we hang onto because we possess a delusion that somewhere down the line, we might use it for some be able to utilize it for one legitimate attempt at an artsy effect, and then there are the few images that is the real reason we continue to shoot: We Simply Love What We Create.

There lies the difference in a professional photographer, whose income relies on his time behind the lens and his number of customers. But for myself, it matters not if these photos are turned into currency. It matters only that the result may have a profound effect on me or others who view it, much like a poem effects one because it has relevance to their lives. Sometimes it is merely the capture itself. And at other times it is the post-processing to fully dramatize, to enhance the image, in a way in which I would have liked the capture to have been when I discovered it. It is in short the art of the photo. 

I have given some thought to what will happen to all of my photography once I am gone. Not that I am looking forward to that, but make no mistake, eventually that will occur. And I think my fondest hope is that family members will distribute all that I have printed and all that I have saved to hard drives, to each as they wish, or hang on their walls. If they think of me once in awhile, that is all the better, but the truth is, I wish them and friends they may choose to gift to, that my photographic art give them comfort or inspiration in their homes or businesses and workplaces. Outside of the pleasure that my best work gives to me, and I find great pleasure in a small portion of my work, I will be very happy if others find it as pleasant to enjoy in their lives.

And sure, I have it listed for sale on a couple of sites, and sales come, but it is the love of the art of photographing places and people, nature and life, more than any other reason, that I continue.

What are your reasons?

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