Saturday, January 21, 2023

Does Quiet Quitting Lead to Active Shopping for Art?

Is This a Phenomenon in the Art World too? 

There has been a lot written about quiet quitting over the past 2+ years. The outcomes of which are varied. Some have been, while not quitting their jobs entirely, lowering their hours for frustration at work, while looking for another job. Others have found that this belongs to their mental health situation, gaining a peaceful day away from a stressful career or job. But far and away it appears to belong to the higher educated white collar employees. And most of those claim to wish to spend time with their families. Quiet quitting then is not truly quitting, in every case. And if that last claim is true, then those who take a day for family enrichment, have that extra time to begin thinking about what their home environment looks like and how it affects them and their family together as a whole.

And so I posit that one result of this phenom, has quite possibly led to more home remodeling, redecorating, repainting and updating of art within their homes and even perhaps their offices. 

It would be interesting to hear from those of you who have gone through this quiet quitting, to see how you feel and if this has led to my suggestion. 

Art, as we know it is bought for many reasons, including a state of peace, and mental health, while on the opposite extreme for exuberance and energy. It is also bought for investments, though that would be a much smaller set of individuals. Those shoppers are not my market, as a photographer. So I'll leave my website address for those falling into the category at hand, quiet quitting leads to Active Shopping


Than ks for reading


Monday, January 9, 2023

Understanding Why Art is so Important to us All

 Why it's Important to Add Art to our Homes and Offices

What is it about art in our homes, our offices, doctor's offices and our libraries we visit that maintains spaces on our walls rather than opting for no art? 

Challenge yourself the next time you walk through your home, to really take a good long look at the art on your walls. And not just the loud or the quiet ones, but all of them. I am certain you will notice that you have pieces which inspire you, calm you, energize and regenerate you. Pieces of art that you may keep for awhile, maybe a long while. And these should be the ones that after spending time thinking about them, perhaps belong where they are or might be better in a different location. 

And once you have made that decision, you will begin to rethink your wall art. It's highly possible you begin thinking about your lifestyle, your place in life which has changed since you hung those prints. Because we like to hang works that bring all the facets we treasure into our homes and offices, it is natural to add them. It is natural to admire them. To get the peace or the dramatic impact of them. To find solace or wild inspiration.

However it is also natural to rethink our art, in order to wonder if the pieces, those prints are still as relevant as when we added them. We may decide to refresh those prints, and thereby hang new pieces, that give us a whole new lease on our existence at home or our businesses. Time has a way of lessening the impact of our wall hangings. 

I noticed it just yesterday as I stood staring at each piece for a minute, some for less. The ones I took a longer look at I decided I would keep. But the ones I moved past a bit quicker, told me that the special feeling, while still there, were to a lesser degree, as impactful for me. In fact that's what inspired this article. I wondered if the art on my walls, had regressed to a point which made me wonder if it was time to look at some new pieces. And if you fortunate enough to help a friend or family member with this, all the better, because giving is one of the most rewarding things we can do.

I will do that this week. Now I must say that looking for art which inspires me, may be a bit more convenient, as I am a photographer and have access to many images that I have both on my website and in my NAS drive sitting next to my Mac desktop. It is a so easy for me to just pick a few prints and print them from my pixels website or I can send them in a size appropriate for their respective walls in my home. In fact I have about a dozen or so coming this week but for customers that like me to mail to them personally. Then I thought isn't it about time, I began refreshing my own prints. 

If this is something you might consider you can locate my work at my website

Maybe I'll see you there, from any comments you might leave, and I can respond to. After all this is a proper opportunity to look, as we have just moved into a new year, 2023

I'll leave you with one image 

Closeup Texas Longhorn Print by Rich Collins

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The New iPhone cases are available today

As of Today, Jan 7, 2023, the new iPhone 14 Cases are here  

If you'd like to see them, link through to my site, choose any Collection or photo and next choose an image in that collection. Then just tap on Phone Cases.  The only thing left is to choose between a Slim or a Tough Case

Let's start with this image of Latourelle Falls 

Now choose phone Model drop down arrow to pick your iPhone 

The iPhone above is the 14 and the one below is the Pro Max

Now choose Orientation either Horizontal as above or Vertical as below

If that image its not what you're looking for, look right for Arrow 'PREV <'  or  'NEXT >' to see other images to choose from

Leave comments here or at the website if you need any help

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

How to see what Art Looks Like on a Wall

This short Article will help You see how art can look on a Wall

I call this one, Mushrooms on a Log II and it was taken at a tiny camping spot in the dense Gifford Pinchott National Forest in WA state

Tap on the highlighted link above to see an example of how my website lets you see one of my pieces might look on your wall. This one is sized at 18"x24" Metal print. Just take a look and then try all 3 print images of this or anyone of my images by first selecting the image of your choice, then tapping on any media you prefer, I chose Metal Prints, in this case, to get a view of how an art selection could look in your home, from a minimalist setting

If you need any help feel free to reach out to me here or on my site and I'll help you set it up for you to view. What you'll notice is that once you've chosen an image, be it Canvas, Art print, Acrylic, Poster or Framed, you will be shown 3 reference images on walls to the left. Not only to see how small or large it will display, but to know how it can look on a wall, and not just the image on the page. I find it very helpful and I'm sure you will too. 

Let others know below in a comment if you wish

Sunday, January 1, 2023

How to Start off the New Year wearing Artsy Clothing

 Here are a few examples of 2023 Art that You can Wear

I have numerous example, 2 pages of Art you can Wear in 2023


Just one example

Grand In Selective Color T-Shirt by Rich Collins

Happy New Year with 2 pages of clothing for the New Year

What is it about adding Wall Art that Makes Your Place so Special

 Cl early it's not just adding any old piece of art What happened to you the first time you entered a home or a business when you knew t...