
Showing posts from 2010

Rating Artists Galleries Online

Rating Galleries Really Helps an Artist Gain Attention   The idea behind rating artists galleries, be they a photographer like myself, painter or a sculpture, weaver, pottery artist or an array of other artists, can be to give them the kudos they deserve. But more than likely it brings awareness to buyers in the field. After all most artists, whether they admit it or not, do seek income from their work.  We will ask for ratings so that our art stands out from the rest, but only if you feel it deserves your highest rating. Artists spend a lot of time and money heading to destinations and shooting, and equally as much effort in editing in Photoshop or Lightroom, which can take many hours. We spend a lot of money, many of us do, on equipment, camera bodies, numerous lenses, accessories and software, external hard discs, RAID storage, much more DDS3 memory, portrait backdrops and light stands, strobes, battery packs, remotes, and on and on and on. No matter

How to Measure Sharpness in DOF Terms

. . Link this to your 'Lovers of Photography' friends, they'll t hank you I promise. Often we wonder how photographers get those amazing shots that keep the entire landscape in focus, or those where we can only see a single subject in focus, while all the rest is a blur. How they do that involves some real familiarity with your camera, or some calculations which, because they involve math have always boggled my mind. Sorry most artists are right-brained. So here's a calculator I found that can save you a ton of trouble and time.    Assume you have a subject in mind, you take the shot and find that along with your subject, everything else is also in focus and you want your subject to be the sole sharp feature in your capture. How do you go about creating this effect?    You have to think about why everything in the Depth Of Field, or DOF, has that sharp focus. The calculator below will give you the opportunity to play around with. A basic rule of thumb, is that the cl