Spending Your Money Carefully Counts

 Daily Spending Can Really Add up

Spending our money on daily needs counts, but spending on wants, desires, unnecessary and discretionary items and services is where where we must be most careful. It is astounding what companies have been charging us for these things. If you are young, this is becoming the norm. I ask that you don't let that happen to your phyche, because it should not be the norm. If you are well into your 30's and older you know better. so you are perhaps already schooled in being careful on spending to much for anything.I want to share with you my collection of art, photographic art that is hung on our walls. And I want you to see just how careful I have been in not following the lead of most of companies, and entrepreneurs that have been hell-bent on over-pricing.

You can cut to the chase by linking through to my Website for Photography, or read further.

Just three examples of images and pricing that has not undergone the rapid rise of unaffordable art for your walls. I've kept and will conmtinue to keep my prices within this low range of cost for those buying, upgrading, remodeling homes, and for those renting. We shouldn't shut out from what surrounds us in our homes and apartments, just because of the inflation caused by companies who don't have our best interests in mind. 

Take a look and see for yourself at Rich Collins Art Collections


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