Sunday, June 18, 2017

Working Horse Art

For Lovers of Working Horse Art

The true horse lover knows when a working day starts and ends. So does the working horse. You can hear it in their breath, feel it in their sweat and muscles. And you can see it in their tongue and teeth as this photo reveals the effort it takes to get the job done.

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This photo was captured at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Vancouver, Washington, on a day historically celebrating when the Hudson Bay Company occupied the land and the laborers, known then as Kanakas, Hawaiian laborers, who were charged with farming the land with horses. Thus this represents the era of the early 1800's. By 1828, the farm “reaped 4,000 bushels of potatoes, 1,300 of wheat, 1,000 of barley, 400 of corn, 300 of peas, and 100 of oats, and in the spring of 1829 they tended 200 pigs, 153 cattle [not including calves], and 50 goats.” By 1829, 200 hogs and an Hawaiian swineherd kept the Fort supplied with pork (*1). This photo represents all the hard work done by the horses of that era in the Pacific North West at the Hudson Bay Company.

If you'd like to read the long story, Hawaiians at Fort Vancouver

*1 Credit to the web site of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The When and Why of Buying Art

The When and Why of Buying Art

Are you the type that sees a piece of art, be it a painting or a photo already in the frame in a variety store, and stuffs it in the shopping cart? Is that really all the thought you give to buying a piece that represents what you enjoy in life? Or do you give it more thought than that? 

Do you for example, go to art galleries, or farmers markets to peruse the local talent, taking your time and perhaps even snapping a phone photo to remember the piece and the artist, the photographer? Taking that pic home to think it over, and/or discussing it with another? I am a photographer and that is exactly how I do it. I have been known to buy on the spot. But the piece has to be something that grabs me, or is relevant to my surroundings or my treasured past. But mostly I am thoughtful about a purchase. It's not so much what it costs, though it can be if the piece is expensive for my budget. It is more about what I want on my wall, and what I want to project to the world of visitors to my home or office, about who I am, what I respect and how they might think of me. 

Our lives, all of us, are full, and we are busy, so busy it seems we hardly have time to think of adding another project or event which involves choosing art. But we return to our homes nearly every single day. And what I want in my home, besides all the expensive furniture and appliances and technology gadgets, is something which either relaxes and comforts me or what inspires or motivates me. And that is the art I choose to hang. I take nothing away from all the photos of family and friends, those are keepsakes revered for ages, to be passed on. But the art that we choose for motivation or comfort, should be something we take time to think about, reflect upon, and hang in special places in our homes.

I wrote this piece to help you make choosing a piece or two here at my gallery online nearly effortless. I would be honored if you took the time to visit before moving on. Thank you



What is it about adding Wall Art that Makes Your Place so Special

 Cl early it's not just adding any old piece of art What happened to you the first time you entered a home or a business when you knew t...