Memorial Day Celebration or Rememberance?

Do we Remember or Celebrate this Holiday?

Memorial Day had been observed on May 30 across the nation ever since that date was established in 1868 by Gen. John A. Logan of Illinois, the commander of the largest organization of Civil War veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic. It was then called Decoration Day, when the graves of Civil War dead were to be decorated with the flowers of spring. As the years passed, it came to include the dead of all America’s wars.

Most of us find the time to gather together and head to the river, or go camping or barbeque a meal. We seem always to be able to rest from work, if our company is generous or we work for an agency. And many of us post a flag on a flag holder. Many of us find the time to recall moments from the past when our loved one, a soldier died. And a few of us actually visit their grave site, or where their ashes were spread. There are parades in honor of the fallen in most communities. Here's hoping your loss was an honorable loss and that you memories and your love for them only enhance your life because of their presence. 


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