Saturday, July 24, 2010

Do you ever shoot for free?

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I've created a typical scenario which I've discussed with many photographers over time who've shared their talent alongside starving artist status. The discussion is almost always the same, ENP (Every New Photographer) seems to feel the need to give freely of their skills in order to gain business. After all how do you get business without giving a little? The discussion usually goes something like this.

RCPhotos: So when does one start charging for your photography skills? Do you?

ENP: Oh I'm new at this so when a friend asked if I'd take a few shots of their new baby I said sure, no problem. My idea was that they'd see some really good results and maybe pass my name around.

RCphotos: How did it go?

ENP: Well they said they'd tell everyone they knew but after a few weeks I only heard form one of their friends. She was about to celebrate her baby's 1st Birthday and wanted to know if I would like to be there. She would have about 15 friends and family members who would get to know me and to bring along some business cards. Sounded good to me.

RCPhotos: And you said?

ENP: I said sure I'd love to. After showing up and of course shooting for about 20 minutes, I told her I'd get in touch with her to show her the results. Fine she said. I passed out a business card to 1 person who expressed an interest. 2 days later I called. Left a message. Then she left a message for me: "Oh could you just email them to me. I'll take a look and let you know." I did and never heard from her again.

RCphotos: Hmmm. So she didn't like them?

ENP: I have to believe she did, they were very good photos. The lighting was very good and I cropped for great pictures. I think she just didn't have the money.

RCPhotos: You then called again to set up a portfolio viewing? You bring an 8x10" and a few 5x7's?

ENP: I tried but she never called back.

Interesting how these situations often lead to great photos and no money. I want to know how you've reacted when asked for a little helping hand. I can think of a hundred other scenarios where offering to do a little shoot for free sounds like a way to get a paid gig. But most often it ends in a free shoot and no money in your pocket. From a business sense we feel we have failed, from a social sense we feel perhaps we've done a nice thing for someone. And we have failed and we have done a nice thing. So where do you draw the line?

Let us know how you feel.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Just how large should my RAW image files be saved for printing?

A photographer recently asked about the size of her image files when uploading. Her need was in producing larger prints. Her concern was the enormous size of the files and the time it takes to upload. She was getting 100-200MB files once converted to sRGB from an original 10MB RAW file, twice that size if converted to TIFF or PSD, when working in 16 Bit.

RAW files are what they are, unconverted image data. Their size is the size which the camera sensor is capable of capturing, so if your sensor has a 10MP or a 12MP sensor it will roughly produce a RAW capture about that size. Converting to a JPG, a TIFF or a PSD will then produce a file size as managed by the Bit size you are working with. If working in 16 Bit you'll get an image file somewhat close to 5-7 times original RAW capture, and if working in 8 Bit you'll get a file 2-3 times the RAW capture. These are always approximates because of many factors of software and hardware but one can guestimate in this range.

Clearly if sending these size files are taking too long and yet the need is to provide these to an online printer, one step in improving the speed is to purchase a faster upload speed. However this is always the bottleneck because even when paying more for download speeds, uploads are seldom increased in unison to the cost. You may have to go many times the upload speed you are currently using to receive a significant increase in upload speeds and the cost will not be just a few dollars more.

The other approach is to use an FTP uploader which is then using their server with usually many times the upload speed. I've never seen a cost attached to this service, but I'm sure someone will find an exception. You would need to register, probably at the online printer's website, and it is not always obvious, as the way around charging for this is to suggest the ever-popular, 'Upgrade Your Account' option. Or you might still be able to use their FTP service but only maintain a few MB's of images until you 'Upgrade'.

So if you decide not to upgrade your ISP speed or your Account then you must make the choice to convert using 8 Bit or lowering your resolution from say 360 to 160. You'll have to compromise or exercise patience.

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