Friday, November 23, 2018

What are You Happy Thanksgiving Thankful for..........?

It's Your Turn


I'll  tell you what I'm thankful for, then it's your turn see this? This is why I'm Happy

These are cancer cells unhindered and taking over because;

"Cancer cells can protect themselves from our body's natural "self-destruction mechanism", which is why they're so deadly.
jovan vitanovski shutterstock photo The following article can make all of us suffering from this deadly disease much happier:

And guess what! My cancer has been moderated with the use of a medication that is, so far, holding the growth at bay. That's what I'm thankful for. Oh sure I have a host of reasons, I could list, but if you feel like listing some of yours, Post your comments below, give them to the rest of the world and spread the love, and in the hopes that others who haven't taken the time to, will. 

Hapy Thanksgiving, and just because its Black Friday, Thanksgiving, the spirit itself, is far from over. It's just begun.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Is Buying a New DSLR an Investment of Value

Investing in a New DSLR?

You may be considering the New 12 MP LargeSense LS911 for $106,000?


This new large format digital back camera only delivers 12 MP and thus enlarging photos to big proportions is not happening. You can toss this one unless you are fond of shooting in the dark with only dim moonlight. Becasue of its much larger pixels it does a great job of that function since it can receive more photons. Is 300 million enough? 

Dealing with 2025's Economy and Your Fine Art Needs

Thinking about Cutting Back in 2025?   Of course you are, who isn't? Worried about what the tariffs are and inflation doing to your doll...