Answers to Your Photo Questions
(The Small Print: we don't collect any data, period)
Answers to your photography questions are easy to come by online or in a forum. Or are they? It's a matter of typing in your question, or asking in a forum, getting a response and running with it. But is it the correct answer? Or do you find yourself spending so much time reading answers you aren't sure which one is correct? Using Google Trends, search term "Photo questions", from a low in July 2006, through today (Sept 2014), interest has risen from 38 to 86.
RCPhotos Answers Photo Questions
We are exploring offering this service. Your questions would be answered directly back to your email. If you're tired of chasing a dozen different answers at a dozen different websites, and having to register just to type a question, try us. You won't have to register, but it helps us if you subscribe.
What Types of Questions Will We Answer? And is it Free?
Any question you have involving photography. Is it free? Yes when we begin a trial period, but it does cost to allocate time, so when we do start, the free period will last till it overwhelms us. How do we know if you're interested? Leave a comment below or ask us a question. What exactly do you find puzzling, and do you want a personal assistant cost-free? It won't last forever but it might last just long enough.